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To Wander {First visit to Edinburgh, Part 2}

Heading further into New Town, I loved taking moments to stop and gaze around at Edinburgh’s city scape. Princes Street Gardens was, until the 1760s, a heavily polluted loch created for medieval defence purposes. By the 1820s, they had drained the filthy loch and the beautiful park separating New and Old Town took its place.

Visitors and locals alike often can’t help but be impressed by the historic Edinburgh Castle, standing proudly on Castle Rock (an extinct volcano) at the head of Old Town. There has been a castle in it’s place since the 12th century, but it’s obviously been re-developed depending on its occupants since then. I will be heading there for a touristy wander at some stage.


Lying in a patch of dandelions? Not weird at all in my opinion. Perhaps next time.

Near Marchmont and Old Town lie the lovely green Meadows. Dominated by students in term time, barbecuing, playing various ball games or relaxing with a book and some wine, I was here during the holidays to witness it in a quiet state. Here you can see the wonderful marriage between the old and new buildings:

Thanks to the ever helpful yelp, I found a delightful place to try my favourite breakfast, Eggs Benedict and a flat white, Toast. Delicious! Highly recommended.
Here you can also see my new love of brightly coloured doors coming into play. Sigh. One day!


Art and architecture thrive here. I cannot wait to experience the festival in all it’s glory, coming up in August.



Even the texture of the buildings is amazing…



Holyrood Palace (The Queen’s Scottish residence, below right) is also on the to do list. A rather nice abode I must say. I so loved soaking up the history of this town and was overwhelmed after only 2 days. The Scotts have a delightful quirkiness engrained in so much that they do. My next post shares my exploration of Calton Hill, the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and a visit to Elephant House to embrace my Harry Potter nerdiness.


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